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Low Vision Testing Case Distance-DSL5

Low Vision Testing Case Distance-DSL5



    Configuration details:

    1. 10X Low vision telescope (DSL-3920)
    2. 8X Low vision telescope (DSL-3918)
    3. 6X Low vision telescope (DSL-3916)
    4. 4X Low vision telescope (DSL-3914)
    5. 3X Low vision telescope (DSL-3912)
    6. Close up lens for telescope (DSL-1508)
    7. 2.5X Clip-on low vision aid (DSL-6018)
    8. 2.8X Clip-on low vision aid (DSL-6018)
    9. 2.0X Clip-on distant visual aid (ZS-2.0X-C)
    10. 2.5X Clip-on distant visual aid (ZS-2.5X-C)
    11. 3.0X Clip-on distant visual aid (ZS-3.0X-C)
    12. 3.0X distant visual aid (ZS-3.0X)
    13. 2.5X distant visual aid (ZS-2.5X)
    14. 2.0X distant visual aid (ZS-2.0X)
    15. 10*25 Binocular Telescopes (2112)

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