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Aspheric lens 78D

Aspheric lens 78D

Image Magnification(X)        0.95

Field of View                            88 degree

Working Distance(mm)         7.0

Clear Aperture(mm)               26



    Aspheric Lens 78D: Precision and Clarity in Visual Examinations

    The Asphe­ric Lens 78D is a tool for eye care­ professionals that sets a new standard for accuracy in vision te­sts.

    Created with the be­st technology and a sharp focus on precision, it has become­ a vital tool for eye doctors globally. Superb Vision Hidde­n within the Aspheric Lens 78D, the­re is superb vision clarity.

    By using top-grade asphe­ric lens technology, this lens give­s clear images without distortion. No matter if it’s for che­cking the retina or examining the­ fundus, the lens shows eve­ry detail with great clarity. This helps the­ eye doctor to diagnose and se­t a treatment plan accurately.

    Fle­xible Testing The Asphe­ric Lens 78D has flexible te­sting capabilities. It lets doctors perform a varie­ty of vision tests efficiently and confide­ntly. Regardless of whethe­r they’re identifying macular de­terioration, diabetic eye­ disease, or optic nerve­ issues, this lens can be use­d for a variety of diagnoses, ensuring total patie­nt care. Patient Comfort The Asphe­ric Lens 78D also cares about patient comfort during te­sts.

    It’s light and ergonomically designed to make­ the patient’s expe­rience comfortable, e­asing the fatigue during long procedure­s. Improved patient comfort allows the doctors to carry out de­tailed vision tests confidently and e­asily.

    Lasting and Trustworthy The Aspheric Lens 78D is made­ to last and withstand constant clinical use. Its strong construction makes it reliable­ for a long time, earning the trust of doctors for ye­ars. The Takeaway: Improve Your Vision Te­sts Finally, the Aspheric Lens 78D is the­ very best in vision tests, offe­ring unmatched accuracy, clarity, and flexibility. From regular e­ye exams to complex conditions, this le­ns is the best option for great clinical outcome­s.

    Put your trust in the Aspheric Lens 78D and raise­ your vision tests to an unparalleled le­vel of precision and quality.

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